Welcome to Duda Community!

Sheyla Member Posts: 24 Duda Staff
edited November 2021 in Announcements

Welcome to Duda Community, your premier destination to connect with other Duda Pros, learn more about the Platform, sharpen your skills, and make a few friends along the way.

Duda Community is also home to The League, a friendly competition where Pros can challenge themselves by completing Duda U courses, tackling the hard questions, starting discussions, and much more! You’ll be competing with yourself in order to level up your skills and also with your peers to see who will claim a spot on the leaderboard.

Be advised - the road to the League may prove perilous if you fail to abide by these rules:

  1. Be Respectful. If you wouldn’t say it to someone in person, don’t say it here. Abusive or threatening speech, including but not limited to: defamatory, offensive, racist, homophobic, political, or sexist statements will not be tolerated. Profanity is not encouraged, besides, everyone knows gifs are a much better way to express emotions these days. 🤓
  2. Keep Private, Personal, and Proprietary Information…  Private.  Do not disclose personal, private, or identifying information in comments or posts. This includes Duda account information, passwords, client information, and contact information. Don’t post any intellectual property unless you have the right to do so (e.g. you own it) and you are comfortable with sharing it on a public forum for others to use. 
  3. Tagging Duda Employees.  Tagging your friendly neighborhood Community Oracle 👋 is encouraged, but refrain from tagging any other member of the Duda team (unless they respond directly to your post or comment). 
  4. Messages and Inbox.  Spam, such as unsolicited commercial advertising messages sent to a large number of recipients or repeatedly to the same recipient, will not be tolerated, regardless of whether it happens in the forum or in a solo or group chat. This also applies to sending messages to our Duda team members. If you need to get in touch with someone at Duda, your best bet is to contact our Support team directly. 
  5. Don’t be a Troll.  Seriously, no one likes a troll. By definition, this means: don’t post content to deliberately antagonize, provoke, or slander other members. Also, don’t post content intended to elicit a negative response and then disappear from the conversation. (You’ll also gain Troll Rank, which trust me, no one wants). 
  6. No NSFW or Violent Content.  If it’s not Pixar approved, don’t post it.
  7. No Unsolicited Promotion.  We know you’re great, but don’t promote your work or services unless specifically requested. If you’re looking to pick up a few new projects, a great place to do this is on the Job Board.

Disclaimer: This list is not exhaustive. Anything you post here must comply with the “User Conduct” requirements in our Terms of Service. While we aren’t under any obligation to police your posts, we reserve the right to remove any posts at our discretion. Use your best judgment and be the pro everyone wants to work with.
